Sunday, March 29, 2009

Something to SMILE about

Good News about rents in New York! It looks, more and more, that I will be paying less rent. This article in the New York Times spells everything out:

Why are These Renters Smiling?

Yes, I will be paying 3 times what I would be paying in Denver.
Yes, it's going to take some work.
and Yes, it's going to be well worth it!

Watch here for more news on my renting adventure!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The New Yorker

Years ago, long before I got it into my head that NYC is the place to be, I became enamoured of The New Yorker magazine. At first it was the covers, humorous, colorful, fascinating, and then it was the cartoons, and then "The Talk of Town" and the reviews, and the articles... The list goes on. For several years I subscribed. I even collected old issues, dreaming of owning a copy of each and every one. Years later, I halted my subscription, either for lack of space, or lack of time, but more likely because I found myself following some other will-o-the-wisp. Just recently, as I have been planning my move to New York, my interest in the magazine has arisen once more. I am thinking about subscribing again, maybe on Amazon's Kindle, to save paper and trees, or maybe the old-fashioned way, so I might restart that collection. In either case, here's a recent humorous piece, "Tails of Manhattan", on Bernie Madoff, written by none other than Woody Allen, who is another reason, why for me, New York City just feels right. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Baby Steps

Things are coming along well, but there is little to report.

1) I arrive very early on April 13th.

2) I have a fantastic landing pad in Brooklyn.

3) I am working now on developing contacts and leads for employment opportunities.

4) Also at work on building a website using Sitespinner. Plans are to use this website to market my novels and poetry, which are to be published on Amazon Kindle ebook reader in the next few months.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Philosophy in New York City

I recently ran across a fantastic website for connecting people who share mutual interests. Meetup is designed to bring people together locally to discuss just about anything you can imagine. Groups can be found covering an amazing spectrum of subjects. Everything from Animal Rights to La Femme Nikita to Paintball may be found here. And of course, one of my favorites: Philosophy. Two NYC groups that immediately sparked my interest were: The New York Existentialist Book Club and NYC Film and Philosophy. And there are nearly 200 more to choose from under the subject of philosophy alone!

Better yet, Meetup is international in scope. (although I didn't see any philosophy groups in Alice Springs--sorry Jim) So whether you are in Denver, or Atlanta or New York City, you are likely to find a group to match your interests.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Second Blog Already?

I really enjoy this blogging stuff, and with a bit of extra time on my hands, I have decided to start a second blog that is of more general interest. Feel free to check it out, bookmark it, subscribe if you want to.

On the Horizon

Sunday, March 1, 2009

So Long Mr. Grant

Today, I said goodbye to a group of people who were in many respects, a second family to me. As New York City beckons, I reflect upon my years at Janus, but mostly I reflect upon the people with whom I worked. I know we will keep in touch; I know many of you will be visiting me in my new digs; and I know I will miss you all most dearly. I am reminded of the last episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show (you younger folks may need to look this up on wiki, see below for link).

Lisa and Kris, my sisters, who were always there for me through the rough times with words of advice and a shoulder to cry upon. I will miss you both. Mike, you soft ole pussycat masquerading as a bulldog, I looked forward to the Cultural Celebrations more than you know. Jack, the newest member of our team, but surely not the least valued, I will not forget your kindness, your candy canes, nor your wife's Christmas fudge. I wonder Mr Potter, what my days will be like without your questions, your non-sequiturs, but most of all, the enthusiasm with which you greet each day. As for you, Zack and Jason and Tom C, I will miss each of you in ways that can't be counted. Pamela, Peter, Carol, Tom B and Jeff--thank you for being there for me in so many ways. Aaron, don't forget to look me up next time you are in Manhattan--I owe you a martini or three! What joy you have brought into my life. And last, I say goodbye to Mr. Grant. I could always count upon you as a sup, a mentor, but mostly as a friend. You will be sorely missed. Now as they sang at the end of the last episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show:

It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square!
It's a long long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there.

So long (for now)