Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Interior Shots

Picture ONE: Shot from window. Built in shelves! Great for DVDs, Knick-Knacks and photos! Probably what sold me on my new place.

Picture TWO: The kitchen and hallway. That's right, you are looking at the entire kitchen! But it does have everything a person might need, the cabinets are new, the stove has 4 burners and the fridge has more than enough space. To the left of the kitchen is one of two closets! To the left of the closet is a longish hallway that leads to the front door.

Monday, April 27, 2009

My New Apartment: One Giant Leap

I am excited to report that I signed a lease on a new apartment today. Or should I say an old apartment that will be new to me. It's located on the Upper West Side near Central Park. In fact its on 107th Street and Central Park West. I only have outside photos for now. Suffice it to say, it is small, a single room actually, on the fifth floor, and there is no elevator. Basically that means I am getting a free gym with my monthly rent! More pics to follow.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The View...

...from my Window.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sixteen Hundred Miles, One Taxi Ride, and a Heap of Stuff to Do!

No pics yet, but those are coming soon. Just wanted all to know I have arrived in Brooklyn. Plane trip was a little bumpy, so didn't get more than a smidgen of sleep. Gonna work on that later this afternoon. Meeting some friends for lunch at about 1:30. More details to follow. Larry

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Journey Continues

I leave EARLY Monday morning for New York City. And while this is a big step, the journey is only just beginning. My heart is full of hope and dreams of what is to become as I cross this bridge. I look back at home, at Denver, at you, my friends and family, all of whom I will surely miss. Yet, I do not leave you behind. Rather you come with me on this journey, for without your love, your friendship, your support, I could not take this path. Watch for more posts on Monday the 13th. There is news, hush hush for now, and I'll add a picture or two!